Braes Buzz

Braes Buzz

Braes Buzz is our termly process of gaining insight on learning and teaching from our pupils' perspective, directly linked to our teaching and learning framework at Braes. Every month an entire year group provide in-depth feedback on a particular areas of learning and teaching. Pupil feedback, specifically focusing on what works best for them as learners, is then fed back to staff for implementation.

All of the questions have been generated from a combination of the two HGIOS4 documents, (staff and pupil) and questions generated from our self-evaluation leaders. Pupils are encouraged to be as honest as possible in answering the questions set as well as when it comes to rating their overall experience of Learning and Teaching using the How Good is our Lessons grid using levels 1 - Weak to 6 - Excellent. This process has enabled us as a school a real insight into areas pupils feel we could improve upon in order to deliver as high a service as possible for all learners.
