
Internal Arrangements The school's emergency first aider is Mrs Stewart. She deals with first-aid and minor ailments which arise in the course of the day. If a pupil becomes too ill to remain in school, a parent or the emergency contact will be called to collect the pupil. In an emergency, a pupil may be taken directly to hospital.

In such an event the school will make every effort to contact the parents. Please ensure we always have up to date contact details for you and your emergency contact and information on any ongoing health issues.

Medical Information form


Medical Room

Braes High School follows guidelines and procedures as per Falkirk Council Policies.
Please be aware that there is No School Nurse on the premises. We have a Medical
Attendant who is a trained First Aider and several other trained members of staff, if our
Medical Attendant is unavailable. A Nurse for Schools can be contacted at Camelon Clinic,
Baird Street or through school as part of our support network.

Health and Wellbeing

Most pupils will at some time have a medical condition which may affect their participation
in activities. For many this will be short term. Others have on-going medical conditions
which, without support, could limit access to education. The majority of pupils with medical
needs are able to attend school regularly and, with some support from school, can take part
in most activities. However, staff may need to take extra care in supervising some activities
to ensure pupils with health care needs, and others, are not put at risk.
Parent /Carer Responsibilities

  • Parents/carers have prime responsibility for their child's health and should provide

school with as much information about their child's medical condition as possible.

  • In the interest of safety, school cannot undertake to support a pupil's medical

requirements unless the information provided is accurate and appropriate. This
includes details of any medication to be administered or supervised.

  • An Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) can help school to identify the safety measures

required to support pupils with medical needs and to ensure that they and others are
not put at risk.

  • Forms will also need to be filled in by the parent/carer to allow staff to administer

any medication.

  • It is essential for pupil welfare that parents/carers ensure all contact details are kept

up to date.
School Responsibilities

  • For a child with medical needs, the school will agree with the parents and health

professionals, where appropriate, exactly what support school can provide.

  • If your child becomes unwell in school, you will receive a phone call from the Medical

Room and will be asked to collect, or make other arrangements, for your child as
soon as possible. If the person with whom the pupil lives is not available, someone
else on their contact list will be called.

  • Staff have no legal duty to administer medication, this is a voluntary role. Where

there is agreement the school (and Council) will make/seek to identify appropriate
training and guidance.

  • An accurate record of all medication administered or supervised will be held

Upcoming Immunisations