Clubs and Activities

Club and Extra-Curricular Activities at Braes High School

Braes High School currently offers pupils a wide range of lunchtime and after school activities, including Braes Youth Theatre, badminton, rugby, gymnastics, basketball, film club, computing and Maths Club. There are also regular trips to a variety of European countries. We have an outstanding Music Department which organises a wide range of concerts and musical evenings. A successful development in recent years has been the introduction of a number of after school Supported Study programmes to provide pupils in S4-S6 with additional tuition and help for the SQA Examinations.There is a Senior Social Space which is for S5 and S6 pupils. For younger pupils (S1-S4) we have opened up the Assembly Hall/Dining Room for pupils to sit in at breaks and at the start of the day, especially in inclement weather. At break times our school radio station, Braes Beat, plays music for entertainment.We have a garden area and an apple orchard.

Sports Activities




