Support with Learning
Braes on Screen/Bites
Major events in the school are filmed and placed on our YouTube channel so you can keep up to date. Braes Bites are short videos to support home learning.
Braes Brains
Provides peer tutoring to assist pupils with homework and coursework tasks. BB work one to one or in classes in small groups.
Braes Learning Together-Family Group
A parent/carer support group meets regularly in the school.
Family Learning Calendar
Parents/Carers have several opportunities throughout the session, where they are invited into school to see the methods of teaching used in a variety of subjects. These events always have very positive feedback.
Supported Study/cafes
All departments offer pupils the chance to go over class work at after school supported study sessions. If your child attends supported study and has difficulty getting home, we are able to provide transport. Supported study cafes run regularly throughout the year.