Parent Council

Dear Parents/Carers,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as Chairperson of the Parent Council, and to share some information about the work and role of the Parent Council within Braes High School.

The Parent Council is a group of parents who meet regularly to represent the views of the wider Parent Forum. As a parent/carer of a young person attending Braes High School you are already part of the Parent Forum, and are welcome along to any or all of these meetings. Our objectives as outlined in our constitution are as follows:

  • To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents.
  • To promote partnership between the school, its pupils, all its parents, parents of children at its feeder primary schools and the wider community.
  • To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils.
  • To identify and represent the views of the parents on the education provided by the school and the other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils.
  • Work collaboratively with Friends at Braes, the Parents' Association for Braes High School.

The Braes High School Parent Council is a friendly group of parents who have built strong relationships with the school over the years, and in the last year have worked closely with the school in the following ways:

  • engaged with the Pupil Council on the celebration of pupil success
  • engaged with Pupil Self-Evaluation Leaders on their analysis of school improvement priorities
  • had discussion with the with school staff on the school's Family Learning provision and programme
  • had discussion with the school's Pupil Good Food Ambassadors and encouraged them in their work
  • informed the implementation of COVID-19 procedural changes
  • considered HMIE Recovery Visit feedback
  • supported the Pupil Digital Leaders
  • had discussion with the Pupil STEM Leaders
  • had dialogue with the Pupil Eco Leaders
  • had discussion of SQA revision support programme
  • engaged with Rights Respecting Schools lead staff
  • supported the reaccreditation of RRSA Gold Level status
  • focused on the development of Braes Brightside
  • helped and supported school charity events
  • engaged with and encouraged the School Captains team

If you wish to attend the AGM please email so that we have a rough idea of how many will be attending.

If you have any questions at all about becoming involved with the Parent Council please do not hesitate to ask.

Kind regards
Kenneth MacKinnon
Braes High Parent Council