School Improvement

Raising Attainment
Monitoring performance and using the resulting information to secure improvement is an important part of the work of head teachers, school staff and officers within Education Services. All staff in Braes High School regularly track pupils' progress to ensure that progress is maintained and to identify effective strategies to support progress when necessary.
Standards and Quality Report
The purpose of the annual Standards and Quality Report (SQR) is to record the successes and achievements in delivering improvement relating to the identified priorities in the improvement plan 2019/20. Ordinarily, the SQR documents the outcomes and impact of improvement actions over the course of four terms of the academic session.
Due to the closure of educational establishments in March 2020, planned improvement work was revised in term 4 of the school session to take account of the closure. Improvement work was centred appropriately and successfully around: the provision of distance learning for children and young people; organisation and delivery of emergency childcare for keyworkers via Hubs; and, the provision of pastoral support for vulnerable children and families.
Importantly, staff at all levels continued in term 4 to undertake and participate in a range of professional learning and development to support both: the identified priorities of the improvement plan; and, digital learning and teaching during the term 4 closure.
The unprecedented intervention of the closure of schools and nurseries reduced the time available to progress improvement work as planned therefore, the priorities identified in the improvement plan for session 2019-2020 remain relevant and will continue to be progressed in session 2020-2021.
Taking all of this into account, this report provides a helpful summary for parents/carers and other stakeholders of successes and achievements across three terms of the academic session: August 2019 - March 2020.
School Improvement Plan
Our improvement plan reflects National and Falkirk Council priorities as well as our own school improvements and those of the Braes cluster. The School Improvement Plan can be found on the School website
Standards and Quality Report 2023/24
School Improvement Plan 2024-2025
School Improvement Plan 2023-2024
Standards and Quality Report 2022-23
School Improvement Plan Summary 2023-2024
School Improvement Plan Summary 2022-2023
Braes High School Improvement 2022/23
Braes SQR 2021-22
Standards and Quality Report 2021
Standards and Quality Report 2020
Recovery Plan August 2020 - for parents
SIP Summart Final Report 19/20