Health & Well-being
Talk to me
Support from staff and pupils to help young people who may be struggling with mental health and/or having suicidal thoughts. The drop-in service runs at break and lunch in the room next to the medical suite. Talk to me listeners can be identified by their green lanyards and badges. Parent/Carer training is available.
Braes Buddies/ Reading with Dogs
In partnership with Canine Concern Trust Scotland our therapet, Jamie, provides support in literacy as well as helping pupils with anxiety/control issues to relax and deregulate.
Nurture Base - Be The Best You Can Be
The Best of You Base provides a number of pupils with a safe, nurturing environment before school, which has proved a valuable success in preparing pupils for their day ahead. A lunchtime drop in is also used by a large number of pupils of all ages.
MVP Room for Pupils
Our Braes High fully trained Mentors in Violence Prevention have a room in the Guidance corridor where pupils can go and discuss any issues that are worrying them.
Falkirk & District Association for Mental Health
FDAMH offer several courses for parents, including Mindfulness & Managing Anxiety. Contact 01324 671600 for more information.
Open Doors
Listening Service
We provide a Confidential Listening Advisor service 3 days per week at Braes High. Pupils can drop-in or arrange an appointment with Cheryl in the Guidance Interview Room.