SQA Exams

Exams Updates

  • SQA exams - Additional Support Needs Resource

Dear Parent/Carer

As the SQA exam diet approaches, attached is a resource that outlines supports for young people who require additional supports with their examinations. The section titled 'SQA Examinations' provides details about the various Additional Assessment Arrangements (AAA) that can be used to support young people in their exams. This is applicable for in school assessments (S1-6) and in SQA examinations (S4-6).

Braes High School - Additional Support Needs Resource

In addition to this resource, we would like to invite you to an open evening on Wednesday 29th March at 6.30pm at Braes High School. This will be an opportunity to explain how these supports work, their intended impact and answer any questions regarding the use of AAA.

If you would like to attend, please complete this Form

If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards

Mr Yeates & Miss Kelly
Pupil Support Department

  • Prelim 2023

As you will know our Prelim diet begins after the Christmas break - week beginning the 9th January (timetable for this can be found on each year group teams page in the files section) but you will also be aware that on Wednesday 11th January there is planned industrial action and the school will be closed to all pupils. As a result this means that the timetabled Prelim Exams due to take place on this day will be rescheduled to a later date. We will update you further with the new date for these prelims in due course.

In the meantime can I wish everyone a restful and merry festive break.

Kind regards,
Mr Ironside

  • SQA Approach 2021

Please find our most recent update with regards to our approach to the SQA. This update contains important assessment information and details regarding the release of the forthcoming assessment window calendar. SQA March 2021 Update

SQA Update letters

  • Prelim Procedure 29/09/23

Dear Parent/Carer

Last session, there was a review of our prelim procedures. The outcome of this was to move from having one block of prelims during the month of January, to having two blocks of prelims. By making this change, Departments from across the school will have more flexibility to have their prelim at a time of year that best suits their course plans. Whilst there are two blocks or prelims, a subject will only run a prelim in one of these. Therefore, this year, there will be a block of prelims between December 4th - December 15th and another block between January 8th - January 19th. Depending on the subjects your child has chosen, they may have prelims in one block, or across both blocks.

There will be further communication in the weeks ahead as pupils will receive their prelim timetables with the specific dates and times.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information regarding prelims.

Kind Regards

Mr D Yeates

SQA Appeals 2023

SQA 30/03/2022 Update

SQA March 2022 Update

SQA February 2022 Update

SQA 2022 Prelim Update

SQA December 2021 Letter

SQA 2022 procedure

SQA 2022 Exam Timetable

SQA Update 16/06/2021

SQA Update 09/06/2021

25/05/2021 SQA Communication

SQA Communication Document May 2021

SQA Update Parents, Carers, Pupils

Alt Cert Model January Update Parents

SQA Update January, Parent/Carers

SQA Update January, Pupils

SQA Update 09/12/2020

Prelim Letter to Parents 19/11/2020

SQA Exams


Your prelim timetable from Braes High School for the current session.

SQA Exams


Your exam timetable from the SQA for the current session.