Onwards and Upwards

Onwards & Upwards is a pro-active approach to closing the poverty related attainment gap that focuses on removing barriers to learning and provided targeted support to ensure every pupil at Braes has the same opportunity to achieve their potential for excellence.
By analysing the attainment gap at Braes and consulting with pupils, Parents/Carers and staff we developed a clear, shared vision to implement improvement and change.
Our strategy centres on 3 key focus areas identified during consultation with partners, research, and closely linked to our SIP:
• Building strong, positive relationships
• Engaging learners and raising aspirations
• Community Engagement
This strategy has led to improvements in attendance and a reduction in exclusions, as well as improvements in participation and engagement in learning. There has also been increased awareness and understanding of the barriers to learning faced by some of our most disadvantaged students, supported staff to ensure equity is at the forefront of classroom practice and encouraged Parents/Carers to increase engagement in learning.
- Leadership opportunities for staff, pupils and parents
- All staff committed to ensuring equity
- Pupils, Parent/Carers access support to remove barriers to learning
- Increased opportunities and improved outcomes for students
- Universal and targeted support based on individual needs
- Increased family engagement and participation in the school community
- Ensuring equal opportunity and positive destinations