Head Teacher's Welcome

I am delighted to have the opportunity to welcome you to the Braes High School website.
The emphasis in Braes High School is squarely on ensuring pupils fully realise their potential. There are strong traditions of excellence in Braes High, based on high expectations and standards. Our school motto is "Build Respect and Earn Success - be part of it!" We hope you will support us by encouraging your child to play their part in this and that by doing so they will get the very best out of their time here.
At Braes High School we believe that every child has the ability to do well. For some, this will mean excellence in their academic studies, while for others success in areas such as sport, music or art. Crucial to all at Braes is our focus on ensuring that our young people develop as well rounded and well informed citizens, capable of being valuable members of the community. All these priorities are equally important, and can only be realised when staff, parents/carers and pupils work together respecting one another and their environment. For that reason, we are keen for pupils and parents/carers to be involved in evaluating our progress as a school and helping us provide the best possible learning experiences.
I look forward to seeing our young people continue to learn, develop and flourish in their education at Braes High School.
Iain Livingstone