Family Learning via Online Support

Higher English and Mathematics Youtube Resource

A suit of online resources has been developed to allow our families to learn together, and to help parents/carers support their young people. Primarily, `Show My Homework' is the online vehicle used by families of our junior pupils and 'Microsoft Teams' as an interface between home and school learning, allowing families insight into the nature, volume and timing of home learning tasks set of their young people.

Acknowledging the importance of young people's holistic development, our school has embarked upon a programme of enhanced communication with families in order that they can be fully involved in the learning process with their young people. For example, our school Twitter feed has grown significantly to now have over 3000 followers, while our School App has now had 2000 downloads. In addition, the online Sway newsletter reaches every Braes family household and the wider community via Community Councils each week.

Please find the links below to two helpful guides when using Show My Homework and Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft Teams Guide

Show My Homework Guide