
Flourish is shaped by activities around aspects of Health and wellbeing including Food and Health, Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport (PEPAS), Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical wellbeing. The programme works with a group of pupils in S1 who may require additional support with HWB or to help build their confidence in school. The programme identified pupils through professional judgement of staff as well as early intervention; working closely with our associated primary schools.

Pupils meet two periods a week to take part in practical cookery sessions and physical activity. Activities include Family Learning inputs, Community Sports Hub opportunities: developing their interests in PEPAS, Practical food skills: cooking healthy meals on a budget, connecting to the outdoors: local green spaces, exploring mental health and Chefs in Schools: employment prospects in the local food industry

  • Targeted Families attending the practical cooking sessions have been using ingredients provided at school to then cook nutritional meals at home.
  • The level of communication through attendance at the sessions, email and phone calls to support families in the programme has led to stronger home-school links
  • Raised pupils awareness and aspiration of future careers in the food and physical activity industries
  • Pupils are demonstrating greater confidence and competence in Literacy and Numeracy skills
  • Parents/carers with the targeted pupils are developing stronger, positive relationships with each other through a willingness to work and learn together in all sessions.